Wisdom Message "298" - You Must Start To “Correctly Understand”, Without “The Slightest Doubt”, “The True Meaningof "Your Life", As “The Place” Where Everyone Comes To “Greet God” And “Dwell In His 
Kingdom”, And “Give Up The Ghost”, and that is for sure.

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Bawa. That Is, "The True Meaningof Bawa Teaching You, That, 
The 7 Tawafs” of Your Life, Are "The 5 Kalimahs", And God, And Prayer, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, As "The 7 Inner Meanings" of "Your Life", Which In Truth 
Are "The 5 Remembrances of GoBy God", And "God" Dawning Within God",
And "GodPraying To "God", and that is for sure.

Bawa. All of Which In Truth, Only Truly Starts, Within You, As Bawa Teaches Us, When, “God As A Power” Dawns Within You, Within God Within You, That Is, When, “God As A Power” Dawns In "The Place", 
Within God Within You, Where There Is No “I”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. All of Which Is About, “The True Meaning" of “The Maliki yawmid-deen” of God, That Is, of “The Master” of “The Day of God’s Judgment”, In “This World”, And of “The Rahim” of God, That Is, of “The Compassion of God”, In “The Next World”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, About “The True Meaning" of "Charity”, That Is, of Truly 
Giving of God, From Within “Your True Heart”, That Is, of Giving God, From Within God Within You, Not Just Giving of “Your World”, From 
Within “Your Mind” Within You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. For In Truth, As Bawa Teaches Us"When all of you live as flowers do, when all of you are in that state, that is God’s flower garden. That is paradise".

Bawa. That Is, As “The True Meaning" of “The Treasure Which Is God”,
Just Waiting To Be Given By God, To You, That Is, Given Now, Given This Very Moment, To YouFrom “God As One With Us”, From Within God
 Within You, Once You Have Learned How To Get God To Cut Away From You, “Everything” That Is Now “Separating God From God”, Within You, 
That Is, Within “Your Mind” Within You, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, When You Truly Start To Realize, Without “The Slightest 
Doubt”, That None of “These Things”, That In Truth You Now Worship, As Elemental Gods, Now Living and Thriving, As “Temporary Elemental
Lives”, Within “Your Mind’ Within You, Are Truly of Any Value, "What So Ever", To Either “You” Or To “Anyone Else”, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. If NotWhat A Waste of “A Perfectly Good Life”, and that is for sure.

"Main Go-To Menu"
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Go To:  So What Is "The True Meaning" of "Your Life", As “The Place
             Where Everyone Comes To “Greet God” And “Dwell In His
             Kingdom", And "Give Up The Ghost", and that is for sure.
Go To:  Bawa Quotation - “Plus", At "The End" of "This Wisdom Message"
             (That Is, “Plus” The Clarity Now Within "The Heart" of "HIs True
              Children", and that is for sure.
Go To:  "Excerpt" For This "Bawa Quotation - Plus"; With & Without "Plus"
Go To:  "Note To Reader" - About "The Sacred Universal Traveler"
Go To:  "God's Song" of "Grace, Wisdom, and 'Ilm (Divine Knowledge)"
Go To:  "A Wisdom Description", Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, of
             "The Tawaf's", That Is, of "The 7 Inner Meanings" of "Your True
              Life", In This World, And In "The Next World", and that is for sure.
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The Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

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Wisdom Message of The Day
For October 20th, 2012
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You Must Start To “Correctly Understand”,
Without “The Slightest Doubt”,

The Inner Meaning"
of Your Life,
That Is,
As “The Place” 
Where Everyone Comes 
To “Greet God” 
And “Dwell In His Kingdom”, 
And “Give Up The Ghost”,
Within You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
As “The 7 Inner Meanings"
Or “Tawafs
of Your Life,
And of “The Life"
 of Each of My Children,
Without Exception,
and that is for sure.

All of Which 
Only Truly Starts
Within Us, 
As Bawa Teaches Us, 
God As A Power 
Dawns Within You”.

That Is, When
God As A Power 
Dawns In "The Place", 
Within God Within You, 
Where There Is No “I”, 
and that is for sure.

That Is
As “The True Meaning"
of Bawa Teaching Us

"When all of you live as flowers do, 
when all of you are in that state, 
that is God’s flower garden. 
That is paradise.

That Is,
God As A Power 
Who Dawns In The Place,
Where There Is No “I”.

That Is,
God As A Power,
Who Has No Form Or Shape,
Who Is Alone,
And Yet Is Everywhere,
Existing As An Eternal Power
Who Dwells In All Lives
And See Them All As “One”.

That Is,

“A Power
A Power that controls the moon, the stars, and the sun.  
A Power that can burn all other powers.  
A Power that pervades each atom, 
all that is finite, all that is infinite, 
A Power that no one can see... 
It has no assistance.  
It is completely alone.  

And That
 It Is 
This Power
 That Is The Maliki yawmid-deen” of God,
That Is, “The Master” 
of “The Day of God’s Judgment”, 
In “This World”, 
And Is The Rahim” of God, 
That Is The Compassion of God”, 
In “The Next World”,
That Is "God's Flower Garden",
In "The Next World".

And That,
It Is
"This Power"
 That Is "The True Charity” of God,
That Is The Truly Giving of “Your Heart”,
of Truly Giving of God,
From Within God Within You,
Not Just Giving of “Your World”,
From Within “Your Mind” Within You,
and that is for sure.

For In Truth,
As Bawa Teaches Us,
For those of us who have faith in God alone, 
there is only one teaching .

Whatever religion we belong to, 
whether it be Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, 
Christianity, Judaism, or Isläm, 
and whatever prayers we say, 
what is it that we are really searching for?

Only one thing — that “Treasure which is God”.

And That
 It Is 
This Power”,
That is “The Treasure Which Is God”,
and that is for sure.

But Instead,
of Searching For “This True Power” of God
And Giving of “This True Power” of God,
From Within God Within You,
You, And All of My Children,
Without Exception,
Are Now Searching For,
Are Now Giving of “Everything Else,
From Within “Your Mind” Within You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
Are Now Giving of “Everything Else”,
From Within “Your Mind” Within You,
Other Than "God",
That is, Other Than "God"
Within "The Everything" of God
From Within “Your True Heart”,
That Is, Other Than
“Yourself Within Yourself”,
From Within “Your True Heart”,
That Is, Other Than
“Your True Self” Within “Your False Self”,
From Within “Your True Heart”,
and that is for sure.

That Is, Other Than,
God From Within God",
Within You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
Other Than “God”, 
Within "The Everything" of God
From Within “Your True Heart”, 
From Within “Your False Heart”, 
From Within “Your Mind” Within You
All Truly Happening
Within "What God Has Discarded”, 
From Within God, Within You
To Become "God", Within You
and that is for sure.

When In Truth 
None of “These Things,
That You Are “Now Giving”,
From Within “Your Mind” Within You
In Your Ignorance of Now “You”, 
Within You, 
Which Is “Separation From”, 
And In Your Ignorance 
of “The True Nature of God”, 
Within You, 
Which Is “Oneness With
Are Truly of “Any Value,
What So Ever”,
To Either “You”
Or To “Anyone Else”,
and that is for sure. 

What A Waste
of “A Perfectly Good Life”,
and that is for sure.

This Is The True Meaning"

of “What Is Now Preventing

This Glorious State,
of "Being Sufi",
That Is, of "Being"
The Maliki yawmid-deen” of God,
That Is, of “Being
The Master” 
of “The Day of God’s Judgment”, 
In “This World”, 
That Is, of "Being"
"These 7 Tawafs",
"These 7 Inner Meanings",
of "Your Own Life",
From Naturally Happen In “Your Own Life Time”,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
of “What Is Now Preventing”

This Glorious State
of “Being
The Rahim” of God, 
That Is, “The Compassion of God”, 
In “The Next World”,
That Is, of “Being”,
This True Power” of God,
As "God's Flower Garden",
In “The Next World”,
From Naturally Happen In “Your Own Life Time”,
and that is for sure.

That Is, From “Being One”,
Now, Right Now,
Who “Speaks Without Speaking”,
Who “Prays Without Praying”,
Who “Lives Without Living”,
All Naturally Occurring In “Your Own Life Time”,
For The Benefit
of Everyone And Everything Else,
In This World, And In The Next,
if you like,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
By You Starting
To Truly “Understand
What Is Now “Preventing This
From Naturally Happening
Within You,
Right Now,
In Your Own Lifetime,
 Which Is This “Selfishness”.
This “Self Focus Upon “You”,
As “Separate From Everything And Everyone Else,
Including Even You As Somehow
Separate From” God Within You, 
and that is for sure.

And It Is “This Selfishness”,
And Only “This Selfishness” 
That Is “Now Preventing”

This Glorious State
of “Being A Sufi”,
That Is,
of “Oneness With” God,
Within God Within You,
From Happening In “Your Lifetime”,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
This “Personal Life” of “Separation And Differences”,
On “The Illusory Outside” of You,
Now Fully Mature On “The Illusory Outside” of You,
Is “What Is Now Preventing”

This Glorious State
of “Being A Sufi”,
of Being “The Maliki yawmid-deen” of God,
In “This World”,
And of Being “The Rahim” of God,
And of Being “The True Power” of God,
In “The Next World”.
From “Naturally Occurring
Within You, In “Your Lifetime”,
And Within Each of My Children,
Without Exception,
While God Still Can,
and that is for sure.

Which When
Wisdom and Clarity Come To You, 
You Will Start To Understand 
As Now 
The “Enemies of Truth” Now Living 
Within Your Own Qalb,
Within Your Own Heart,
Within Your Own Mind,
Not Anything Or Anyone 
Now Living On The Outside of You,
and that is for sure.

All of Which 
Must “Now Be Cut Away From You”,
From Within Your Own Qalb,
From Within Your Own Heart,
From Within Your Own Mind,
By God,
Not By You
Or By Anything
Or By Anyone 
Now Living "Only" On The Outside of You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
By God, And By God Alone,
If You Like,
When You Truly "Join In Partnership" With God,
As “One With” God,
That Is, “As Two Lives Living As One Life”,
First On The Outside 
And Then Within,
If You Like,
and that is for sure.

That Is, 
If You Are A Wise Child”,
Now For Your Age,
And Not Just A Foolish Child”,
Now For Your Age,
As Bawa Teaches Us,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
By Now Joining As “One With” God,
As Two Lives Living As One Life”,
First On The Outside 
And Then Within,
As Now,
In Truth,
"The Life and Teaching",
And "The Heart",
Our Dearest Loving Son,
And Your Dearest Loving Brother,
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
and that is for sure.

That Would “Be Good,
That Would Now Be
Very Good Thing
 To Now Do,
While God Still Can,
and that is for sure.

Bawa. My Love You - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.


Bawa Quotation
- “Plus” -
(That Is, “Plus” The Clarity
 Now Within “The Heart” of His True Children)
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"The Title"
of “This Bawa Quotation - Plus:


"The Inner Meaning"
of Your Life,
That Is,
As “The Place” 
Where Everyone Comes 
To “Greet God” 
And “Dwell In His Kingdom”, 
And “Give Up The Ghost”,
Within You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
The 7 Inner Meanings"
Or “Tawafs
of Your Life,
And of “The Life"
 of Each of My Children,
Without Exception,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
of Bawa Teaching Us

"When all of you live as flowers do, 
when all of you are in that state, 
that is God’s flower garden. 
That is paradise.

And That,
God Is A Power
Who Dawns In "The Place",
Where There Is No “I”.

And That,
 The Maliki yawmid-deen” of God,
That IsThe Master
of “The Day of God’s Judgment”,
In “This World”,
And The Rahim” of God,
That Is “The Compassion" of God,
As "The Flower Gardenof God,
In “The Next World”.
Just Waiting To Happen
Within Us, 
Within God Within Us,
In Our Own Lifetime.
and that is for sure.

And That
"This Is “The True Meaning”,
 of "Charity”,
That Is, of Truly Giving of Your Heart”,
of Giving God,
From Within God Within You,
Not Just Giving of “Your World”,
From Within “Your Mind Within You,
and that is for sure.

(Note To Reader”: 
Go To: "Top of Page"
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Go To: "Excerpt" For "Bawa Quotation - "Plus"; Both With & Without "Plus"

Click On The Following “Link” To Read “The Latest Version” of 
"The Song" of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm (Divine Knowledge)”, Now For Your AgeNow For All LifeNow Being Sung "For You"Moment To 
Moment, For The Rest of Your Life In "The World", By Our Dearest Loving SonAnd Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen 
(Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, As Now “The Grace” of “The Sacred Universal Traveler”,
Now For Your AgeNow For All LifeWho Contains Good Remedy” For 
Further Progress”, if you like, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. That is, Until “You Too” Start To Sing It, For The Benefit of “Everything and Everyone Else”, Not For Any “Personal Benefit” of “You and Yours”, As They Say,, and that is for sure).


For Bawa Quotation - “Plus
(For Wisdom Message "298")
(By Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Now Living As "One",
And Sent To “Our Children” On October 20th, 2012)
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Go To "Excerpt - Without "Plus"
Go To "Excerpt - With "Plus"


"The Inner Meaning"
of Your Life,
That Is,
As “The Place” 
Where Everyone Comes 
To “Greet God” 
And “Dwell In His Kingdom”, 
And “Give Up The Ghost”,
Within You,
and that is for sure.

Bawa. Here Is "An Excerpt" From "A Talk" Given By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)Now As Part of The Beautiful Book of Wisdom, “Why Can't I See The Angels, By Our Dearest Loving Father Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.

Bawa. And Now As "An Expanded Version", of "This Excerpt" (In Brackets (xxx), and In Red), By Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your 
Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are 
Well Pleased", if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, First “Without An Expansion”, And Then Followed By “With An Expansion” by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.


This Excerpt - Without "Plus"
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Without” An Expansion - By Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

“In paradise everything that makes you sad is absent. Peace, love, and tranquility are present. 

Paradise exists wherever everyone lives in unity. Everyone is in the same state, at the same level. That is paradise. Everyone is happy there.

In a flower garden many different colored flowers grow together. There are red and white flowers, roses, jasmine, and many fragrant leaves. All those colors in a flower garden make it very beautiful. Isn’t that so? 

That is what a flower garden is like. When all the flowers of different colors live together, not divided into separate groups, it is very beautiful.

Like that, if all of you live together, no matter how many different colors you may have, it will be very fragrant, beautiful, and joyous.

When all of you live as flowers do, when all of you are in that state, that is God’s flower garden. That is paradise.

Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
From The Publication, “Why Can't I See The Angels, page 39.


This Excerpt - With "Plus"
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With” An Expansion - By Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

“In paradise everything that makes you sad is absent. Peace, love, and tranquility are present. 

(Bawa. Because “You Have Truly Joined In Partnership With God”, As “One With” God, That Is, As “Two Lives Living As One Life”, First On The Outside, And Then Within, In Order For You To “Lose Yourself”, Within “Your 
Mind” Within You, Allowing God To “Find HImself”, Within God Within You, As God “Awakening to Himself”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That is, Because You Have Now Become “The Witness of God”, 
Within God Within You, That Is, As “God Witnessing God” Awakening To HimselfWithin “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will Truly “Let Himself End” In God, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, and that is for sure)

Paradise exists wherever everyone lives in unityEveryone is in the same state, at the same level. That is paradise. Everyone is happy there.

(Bawa. And “This” Is Why Bawa Teaches Us, That “You Must Become 
Paradise For Everything And Everyone Else, Not Go To Paradise, for “your selfish purposes”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. And Why Bawa Teaches Us, That “You Must Become “The Place” Where Everyone Comes To “Greet God” And “Dwell In His Kingdom”, And “Give Up The Ghost”, That Is, “You Must Become “The Place Where Everyone
Comes To Give Up “Their Life” To God, That Is, To Give Up “Their Impure 
Soul” To God, That Is, To Hand Back To God What God Gave To Them, So They Could Live As “The Creation of God”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, To Willingly And Freely Let Themselves “End In God”, DisappearIng Back Into God, From Which They Have Come, That Is, 
DisappearIng Back Into “The Perfect Ending” of “Their Perfect Story”As Now “The Understanding” of Them-selves, That Is, As Now “God’s Understanding” of “His Creation”, Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will Truly “Let Himself End” In God, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, As “The First Step” of “God In Ignorance of Himself”, 
Disappearing Back Into Himself, That Is, As “The First Step” of “God In Ignorance of Himself” Giving Up “His Life” To “Man-God/God-Man”, That Is, To Give Up “His Pure Soul” To “Man-God/God-Man”, That Is, To Hand Back To “Man-God/God-Man”, What “Man-God/God-Man”, Gave To HImSo He Could Live As “Your Pure Soul”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, So He Could Live, Within God Within You, As “God’s Child”, That Is, To Willingly And Freely Let Himself “End In Man-God/God-Man”, 
DisappearIng Back Into “Man-God/God-Man”, From Which He Has Come, That Is, Back Into “The Perfect Ending” of “His Perfect Story”, As Now “The Understanding” of Himself, That Is, As Now “Man-God/God-Man’s Understanding” of God, and that is for sure)

And You Will Be “That”,
And We Will Be Within “That”, As "One",
and that is for sure.

One Within “The Other” As One,
One Revealing “The Other” Within It,
One Disappearing Within “The One” Being Revealed,
Only To Be Revealed AgainBy “The Other”,
As It “Returns The Favor”,
Revealing And Disappearing Within “The One” Within it,
and that is for sure.

But This Time “A 1000 Fold”,
As “The 1000 Generosities of God”, 
For The Benefit of All of "The Creation of God",
Within “The 18,000 Universes”,
Within Man And Within God, 
Within God And Within Man,
and that is for sure.

So In The End,
There Is "No Child Left Behind”, 
So In The End,
There Is "Nothing Still Separating You From You”,

In a flower garden many different colored flowers grow together. There are red and white flowers, roses, jasmine, and many fragrant leaves. All those colors in a flower garden make it very beautiful. Isn’t that so? 

That is what a flower garden is like. When all the flowers of different colors live together, not divided into separate groups, it is very beautiful.

Like thatif all of you live together (As “One", Now Within “The Heart” of “The True Human Being”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life”, Now Within “The Heart” of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, 
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. Then) no matter how many different colors you may have, it will be very fragrantbeautiful, and joyous.

When all of you live as flowers do, (As “One"Now Within “The Heart” of “The True Human Being”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life”, Now Within 
The Heart” of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, 
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, and that is for sure).

When all of you are in that state.

(Bawa. That Is, When You Too Become “The Place”, Within You, Where 
Everyone Comes To “Greet God” And “Dwell In His Kingdom”, And “Give Up The Ghost”, When You Too Become “The Place”, Within You, Where 
Everyone Comes To Give Up “Their Life” To God, That Is, To Give Up “Their Impure Soul” To God, That Is, To Hand Back To God What God Gave To Them, So They Could Live As “The Creation of God”, 
Within God, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, Willingly And Freely Letting Themselves “End In God”, DisappearIng Back Into God, From Which They Have Come, That Is, 
DisappearIng Back Into “The Perfect Ending” of “Their Perfect Story”, As Now “The Understanding” of Them-selves, That Is, As Now “God’s Understanding” of “His Creation”, Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will Truly “Let Himself End” In God, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, and that is for sure)

That is God’s flower gardenThat is paradise".

(Bawa. That Is, That Is Then “You” Too, Within You, if you like, That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, And “Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age,  As “This Child” Is Now Experiencing His Life, Within Himself, and that is for sure)


Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
From The Publication, “Why Can't I See The Angels, page 39.

That Is, From “The Life and Teaching” of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). And 
Now From “The Life and Teaching” of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). As Now 
In Truth As “One”, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “The Life and Teaching”, and “The Heart”, of Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure. Amen.


Go To:  So What Is "The True Meaningof  "Your Life", As “The Place” Where 
             Everyone Comes To “Greet God” And “Dwell In His Kingdom", And 
             "Give Up The Ghost", and that is for sure.
Go To:  Bawa Quotation - “Plus"At "The End" of "This Wisdom Message"
              (That Is, “Plus” The Clarity Now Within "The Heart" of "HIs True
              Children", and that is for sure)
Go To:  "ExcerptFor This "Bawa Quotation - Plus": Both With & Without "Plus"
Go To:  "Note To Reader" - About "The Sacred Universal Traveler"
Go To:  "God's Song" of "Grace, Wisdom, and 'Ilm (Divine Knowledge)"
Go To:  "A Wisdom Description", Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life,
               of "The 7 Tawaf's", That Is, of "The 7 Inner Meanings" of "Your True Life"
               Both In "This World", And In "The Next World", that is for sure.
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