Wisdom Message "293" - You Must Start To “Correctly Understand”, Without “The Slightest Doubt”, “The True Meaning" of "Being A Sufi”, That Is, of “Being One” Who “Speaks Without Speaking”, Who “Prays Without Praying”, Who “Lives” Without “Living”, and that is for sure.

Bawa. And “The True Meaning" of “What Is Now Preventing” This Glorious State of “Oneness With” God, Within God Within You, From “Naturally 
Occurring” Within You, And Within Each of My Children, Without 
Exception, While God Still Can, and that is for sure.

Go To:  So What Is "The True Meaning" of "Being A Sufi", Right Now!
Go To:  Bawa Quotation - “Plus", At "The End" of "This Wisdom Message"
             (That Is, “Plus” The Clarity Now Within "The Heart" of "HIs True
              Children", and that is for sure.
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The Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

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Wisdom Message of The Day
For October 11th, 2012
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You Must Start To “Correctly Understand”,
Without “The Slightest Doubt”,

​“The True Meaning"
 of "Being Sufi”,
That Is, of “Being One”
Who “Speaks Without Speaking”,
Who “Prays Without Praying”,
Who “Lives” Without “Living”,
and that is for sure.

The True Meaning"

of “What Is Now Preventing”
This Glorious State
of “Oneness With” God,
Within God Within You,
From “Naturally Occurring
Within You,
And Within Each of My Children,
Without Exception,
While God Still Can,
and that is for sure.

Which When
Wisdom and Clarity Come To You, 
You Will Start To Understand 
As Now 
The “Enemies of Truth” Now Living 
Within Your Own Qalb,
Within Your Own Heart,
Within Your Own Mind,
Not Anything Or Anyone 
Now Living On The Outside of You,
and that is for sure.

All of Which 
Must “Now Be Cut Away From You”,
From Within Your Own Qalb,
From Within Your Own Heart,
From Within Your Own Mind,
By God,
Not By You
Or By Anything
Or By Anyone 
Now Living On The Outside of You,
and that is for sure.

That Is,
By God, And By God Alone,
If You Like,
When You Truly "Join In Partnership" With God,
As “One With” God,
That Is, “As Two Lives Living As One Life”,
First On The Outside 
And Then Within,
If You Like,
and that is for sure.

That Is, 
If You Are A Wise Child”,
Now For Your Age,
And Not Just A Foolish Child”,
Now For Your Age,
As Bawa Teaches Us,
and that is for sure.

By Now Joining As “One With” God,
As Two Lives Living As One Life”,
First On The Outside 
And Then Within,
As Now,
Our Dearest Loving Son,
And Your Dearest Loving Brother,
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
and that is for sure.

That Would “Be Good,
That Would Now Be
Very Good Thing
 To Now Do,
While God Still Can,
and that is for sure.

Bawa. My Love You - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.


Bawa Quotation
- “Plus” -
(That Is, “Plus” The Clarity
 Now Within “The Heart” of His True Children)
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For "Wisdom Message 293"

The Title
of “This Bawa Quotation - Plus:

The True Meaning”,
 of "Being Sufi”,
That Isof “Being One”
Who “Speaks Without Speaking”,
Who “Prays Without Praying”,
Who “Lives” Without “Living

(Note To Reader”: Click On The Following “Link” To Read “The Latest Version” of "The Song" of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm (Divine Knowledge)”, Now For Your AgeNow For All LifeNow Being SungMoment To Moment, By Our 
Dearest Loving SonAnd Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen 
(Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “The Grace” of “The Sacred 
Universal TravelerNow For Your Age, Now For All LifeWho Contains 
Good Remedy For “Further Progress”, if you like, and that is for sure).


Bawa Quotation - “Plus
(For Wisdom Message "293")
(By Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Now Living As "One",
And Sent To “Our Children” On October 11th, 2012)
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The True Meaning"
of "Being A Sufi”,
That Isof “Being One”
Who “Speaks Without Speaking”,
Who “Prays Without Praying”,
Who “Lives” Without “Living

Bawa. Here Is "An Excerpts" From "A Talk" Given By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)Now As Part of The Beautiful Book of Wisdom,"The Golden Words of A Sufi Shaikh" By Our Dearest Loving 
Father Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.

Bawa. And Now As "An Expanded Version", of "This Excerpt" (In Brackets (xxx), and In Red), By Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your 
Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are 
Well Pleased", if you like, and that is for sure.

Bawa. That Is, First “Without An Expansion”, And Then Followed By “With An Expansion” by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure.


This Excerpt

Without” An Expansion - By Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

Sufis give up the acting within themselves, burn up even their thoughts of acting, and reach the stage of contentment, where they speak without speaking, and immerse themselves in God.

That is Sufism.

Only when that state is established within us, only when wisdom dawns and God’s ocean of divine knowledge appears within us, only when we have true faith and worship can we reach God, who is the wisdom within wisdom. 

Only in that state do we become creations who can reach God and speak to Him directly. 

We must realize this.

The essential requirements are "absolute faith and wisdom". 

Our progress and the states we attain are in accordance with the level of our "faith and wisdom". 

One who has transcended the "four steps" of sharï‘at, tarïqat, haqïqat, and ma‘rifat is a Sufi. 

One who knows these four steps, and knows himself, and knows his God is a Sufi.

We must acquire the wisdom necessary to reach this state.

God has created everything as an example in order that we may acquire and attain that wisdom. 

Everyone who is an insän, everyone who is a mu’min, everyone who is an insän kämil, and all of us must realize this. 

My very precious children, my brothers and sisters, we must realize it. May God protect us."

Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
From The Publication"The Golden Words of A Sufi Shaikh", page 6.


This Excerpt

With” An Expansion - By Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

Sufis give up the acting within themselves, (By Getting God to Act Within Himself, Theyburn up even their thoughts of acting, (By Getting God To Think About God’s Actions Within Himself), and reach the stage of contentment, (Within God Within Them), where they speak without speaking, 
(By Always Getting God To Speak, By Always Making Themselves Available To God For “God’s Speaking”, And Peacefully “Wait On God”, Within “No Preference”, No “Expectation”, For “God To Speak”, For “God To Act”. and that is for sure).

(Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This WayThey) Immerse 
themselves in God, (Becoming “God’s Witness of God”, That Is, Become “God Witnessing God Awakening To Himself”, That Is, To God Awakening To An “Understanding” of Himself, First To "An Understanding of His Creation
Within Himself, And Then to “An Understanding of God”, Within His Creation, Within Himself, All Happening Within God Within You, That Is, 
Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will “Let Himself End” In God, Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. And Now For Your AgeNow For Your Life, That “One”, Is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Pleased”, and that is for sure)

That is Sufism.

Only when that state is established within us, only when wisdom dawns and God’s ocean of divine knowledge appears within us, only when we have true faith and worship can we reach God, who is the wisdom within wisdom. 

Only in that state do we become creations who can reach God and speak to Him directly. 

We must realize this.

(Bawa. And Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, “The One” Within Whom
 “Wisdom Has Dawned”, And Within Whom “God’s Ocean of Divine Knowledge” Has Appeared, “The One” In Whom “Iman” Or “True Faith And Worship of God” Has Now Definitely Occurred, Is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, and that is for sure)

The essential requirements are "absolute faith and wisdom". 

Our progress, and the states we attain, are in accordance with the level of our faith and wisdom. 

One who has transcended the four steps of sharï‘at, tarïqat, haqïqat, and ma‘rifat is a Sufi. 

One who knows these four steps, and knows himself, and knows his God is a Sufi.

(Bawa. And Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, “The One” Who Has 
Transcended “The Four Steps” of Shari’at, Tariqat, Haqiqat, And Ma’rifat, And Has Truly Reached “The State” of SufismIs Now Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom 
We Are Well Pleased”, and that is for sure)

We must acquire the wisdom necessary to reach this state, (By You, And By Each of My Children, Without Exception, Now Finding, Realizing (Become), And Understanding (Transcending) This OneNow For Your Age, Now For All Life, While God Still Can, That Is, Before “The Angel of Death” Finds You In “Your Current State” of “Illusory Separation” From God, And “An Eternal Elemental Life” of “Separation and Differences” Within “Your Mind” Within You Becomes “Your Only Eternal Fate”, That Is, And “Hell Becomes Your Only Lot”, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. God Has Most Certainly Now Given You, And Given All of My 
Children, Without Exception,This One”, Now For Your Age, Now For Your 
LifeWhile God Still CanSo “God Has Done His Part”, But Now You Must Find And Accept Him “As Such”, And Become “One With” Him, As “Two Lives Now Living As One Life”, First On The Outside, and Then Within, While You 
Still Can, And “That Is Your Part”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. But If You Continue To Refuse “To Do YourPart”, If You Continue To 
Refuse "To Find" And "Accept Him" Now “As Such” For Your Life, Then “What Is God To Do”, But In “The End” To Give You “Exactly What You Want”, Other Than “Oneness With” HimOther Than “Eternal Oneness” With God, Within 
God Within You, Which In Truth Means God Giving You Eternal “Oneness With” Everything Else, That Is, Eternal "Oneness With" Everything Other Than Him, That Is, With Everything Other Than GodWithin God Within You, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. All of Which In Truth Means God Giving You, At The EndEternal “Oneness With” Everything Else, Other Than God, That Is, With Everything 
That Has Now Germinated, Grown, and Now Come To Full Maturity, Within 
Your Mind” Within You, Which In Truth Is “Oneness With” Everything 
That God Has DiscardedAs Part of "God Becoming GodWithin You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, Please “Start To Do Your Part”, While Both You And God Still Can, And If You Do, If You Do Now Truly Accept Our Dearest Loving Son, and Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “Such”, As Now “Our Final Gift” To All of My Children, In “This Final Age” of Man, Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, Then We Will Do Everything Else Necessary To Truly Make Your Life Successful In Your Lifetime, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. This Is Now “Our Promise”, This Is Now “Our Guarantee”, Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, and that is for sure. Amen.

God has created everything as an example in order that we may acquire and attain that wisdom, (But You Now Now Start To Look At Everything That God Has Created, Which in Truth Is Now “Everything” Within “The 18,000 Universes”, Within God Within You, Not “Anything” That You Now See On “The Illusory Outside” of You, Through “The Eyes” of “The True Human Being”, That Is, Through “The Eyes” of “The True Gnana Guru”, Now For Your Age, As The 99 Wilayats Or Attributes of God, Looking At “This Everything” of God’s Creation From Within “His Heart”, Within God Within You, Not From Within “The Hard Rocky Mountain” of “A Heart” That Now Makes Up “Your Current Life” of “Illusory Separation and Differences” On “The Illusory Outside” of You, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. Such Is “The Enormity of The Problem” Now Facing God, Which Is “Now Your Life”, My Dearest Loving Children, A Problem That In Truth Is “God’s Problem”, Not “Your Problem”, Because In Truth “Your Are The Problem”, Not That “You Have A Problem”, That Is, “Your Current Life” Is Now “God”s Problem”, That Is, "God's Problem" of “Jesus (peace be upon Him) On His Cross and Nails). This Is Now “God’s Problem”, Within You, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. That Is, This Is Now “God’s Problem”, The Problem of “His Child”, Which Is “Your Soul”, Having Come To “This Earth World”, Which Is “The Womb of Your Mother”, In Ignorance of God, And of “The True Nature of God”, Which Is “Oneness”, And of "Your Soul", In Ignorance of Itself, Now In “The Form of Illusion”, Which Is Now “Your Body”, Coming Out of “The 10th Opening” of Your Mother, And “Falling Into Many A Trap”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. For As Bawa Teaches Us In “The Opening Paragraph” of “The Forward” of The Beautiful Book of Wisdom,”The Pearl of Wisdom”,

“Man Appearing On This Earth, 
Forgets God And Falls Into Many A Trap. 
He Does Not Know To “Seek Himself” Within “Himself, 
Although God Exists Within Man.  
This “Guru Man”, Now “This Pearl of Wisdom”, 
Will Describe This Concept In Detail”,
 if you like, 
and that is for sure)

Everyone who is an insän (A True Man), everyone who is a mu’min (A True Believer), everyone who is an insän kämil (A Perfected True Man), and all of us must realize this, (That Is, All of “The Children of God”, Now Just Waiting To Germinate, Grow, and Fully Manifest, Within God Within You, Must Realize “This Truth” of “Your Life”, While Both You And God Still Can, That Is, Before “You Die to The Flesh” , And “An Eternal Elemental Life” of “Separation From” God Becomes “Your Next Experience” Within “God’s Story”, Within “Your Mind” Within You, Rather Than “God Witnessing God” Awakening To Himself, Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Will “Let Himself End”, Within God Within You, and that is for sure)

My very precious children, my brothers and sisters, we must realize it. May God protect us.

(Bawa. And God Has Now Answered “This Prayer” of Our Dearest Loving Father Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), To Protect You, That Is, “God Has Now Done His Part”, By Now Placing In The World Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, But You, And None of My Children, Without Exception, “Have Not Yet Done Your Part”, That is, You Have Not Yet Truly Accept Him Now “As Such”, Now For Your Age, Now For Your Life, That Is, You Have Not Yet Started To Sit At “His Divine Feet”, Elevating Him Above You, And Celebrating In HIs Glory, Praising Him and Thanking God For “This Final Gift” To His Children, As “You Must Now Do”, and that is for sure)

(Bawa. Because As “You Now Treat Him”, So “Your Are Now Treating God”, As “You Now Love Him”, So “You Are Now Loving God”, And So You Are Now Loving Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (Ral.), And All of “The 124,000 Prophets of God, And All of The Heavenly Beings, And All of The Friends of God, and that is for sure).

(Bawa. Something To “Get God” To Get “Your Soul” To Think About “A Lot”, Yes?)


Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
​From The Publication"The Golden Words of A Sufi Shaikh" , page 6.

And From "A Partial On-line Version of "The Golden Words of A Sufi Shaikh" From "The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library".

That Is, From “The Life and Teaching” of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). And 
Now From “The Life and Teaching” of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.). As Now 
In Truth As “One”, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “The Life and Teaching”, and “The Heart”, of Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and that is for sure. Amen.


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